Destroy Target Permanent
Discussion of all things related to Magic: The Gathering. We are primarily focused on play at the FNM level at this time. We will discuss trials as well as triumphs so bring your competitive spirit or janky curiosity.
Destroy Target Permanent
Examinations & Postulations: Explorer / Pioneer Edition
Destroy Target Permanent
Season 1
Episode 166
FNM Recap (Double Masters Draft)
James - Bant (3-0)
- Rd 1 - Emily-Mardu (2-0)
- Rd 2 - Jameson-Grixis (2-1)
- Rd 3 - Joe-5 Color (2-0)
Spaghettification (n): the process by which (in some theories) an object would be stretched and ripped apart by gravitational forces on falling into a black hole.
Explorer / Pioneer:
Decklists & Patterns
Explorer Examinations:
- Bo1 and Bo3 are night and day for Explorer
- Aggro & Combo are dominant in Explorer
- More influence from recent standard decks
Pioneer Postulations:
- Seems to have a more diverse metagame
- Raw power is preferred over synergy
- More influenced by longer past standard decks
Good Luck, I Hope You Lose!
Goblintraders.net: DTP5
TCGPlayer.com: https://bit.ly/2Ec0AVZ
Inkedgaming.com: http://inkedgaming.com/dtpcast