Destroy Target Permanent
Discussion of all things related to Magic: The Gathering. We are primarily focused on play at the FNM level at this time. We will discuss trials as well as triumphs so bring your competitive spirit or janky curiosity.
Destroy Target Permanent
Where We're Going, We Don't Need Decklists
James - Tough nut to crack (UR and UG)
Jeremy -
Decks for FNM:
James - Jund Sacrifice / Azorius Birds
Jeremy - TBD
Spellslinger's Sanctum
- Pro Tour Top 8 History - Pro Tour Dark Ascension: Honolulu 2012
- Wolf Run Ramp (1st & 2nd place)
- UW/Spirit Delver (John Finkel & Matt Costa)
- July 13 B&R Announcement
- Historic
- Modern
- Pauper
- Pioneer
- Arena State of the Game
- Amonkhet Remastered - Aug. 13
- Pioneer Masters - Q4 2020
- Azorius Birds a.k.a. Flap Flaps
- Historic Goblins
The Jank Tank
- Ravnica Beacon -
- A Beautiful Death- what does the battlefield mean to you?
- Breaking into historic through Jumpstart
- Old favorites, new formats
Good Luck, I Hope You Lose!
Goblintraders.net: DTP5
TCGPlayer.com: https://bit.ly/2Ec0AVZ
Inkedgaming.com: http://inkedgaming.com/dtpcast